Sessions are for therapeutic and wellness purposes only.
These sessions have a heavy foundation in yoga practices and body mechanics.
Together we learn how to utilize our breath to tame our thoughts and ground ourselves by incorporating self-care and corrective exercise to improve posture, gain body awareness, and enhance our overall well-being.

Tune-Up SoleCare
1hr 45m
Members save $14
Benefits: heal damaged muscles, increase overall strength and awareness, establish healthy movement patterns, decrease pain, reduce stress and anxiety, minimize scar tissue, improve range of motion
This session combines mindset strategies, breathwork, corrective exercise, and range of motion techniques to eradicate pain, improve posture and enhance performance by intentional movement through poses to identify and target your “body blind spots,” areas that are most overused, underused, or misused.
We utilize Tune Up Fitness therapy balls to teach at-home self-care practices that give you the tools to maintain your progress outside of our office.
Each session is tailored to your needs to balance your mind, body, and soul.
Mini Tune-Up SoleCare
Members save 10%
Short on time or need a tune up?
Bring your Coregeous ball & Tune Up Fitness therapy balls to hone in on self-care practices that will free up tension to one (1) area of focus.